With the deeply personal and sensitive nature of the topics of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, the Diocese of Richmond has taken additional steps to develop a list of speakers for parishes and campuses to use. These speakers have been vetted and pre-approved; at this point, they are the only speakers who can be brought in on these topics.
If a parish or campus desires to bring in a speaker not on this list, they must submit the name of that speaker to the Office for Evangelization at [email protected]. Names will be reviewed and vetted on a March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Do not enter into a conversation with a speaker about particular dates until after they have been approved.
Outside speakers on the topics of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are not approved for Youth Ministry events. Instead the Youth Minister, Pastor, or Parochial Vicar should lead the conversation when necessary.
If you are bringing in a speaker from this list, you must fill out the Already Approved Speaker Form and e-mail it to the Office for Evangelization.
Current List of Approved Speakers:
Jackie François Angel
Recommended for: Parents, College Students, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Marriage, Dating, Lifestyle, and Theology of the Body
Contact: [email protected]
Bill Donaghy
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, and College Students
Areas of Expertise: Marriage and Family Life, Masculine Spirituality, and Theology of the Body
Contact: [email protected] (215) 302-8200, Ext. 703
Dr. Theresa Farnan
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Ethics, Gender and Sexuality
Contact: https://theresafarnan.com/about-2/
Dr. Abigail Favale
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, College Students, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Gender Studies, Postmodern Feminism
Contact: https://abigailfavale.wixsite.com/home
Dr. John Grabowski
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, College, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Moral Theology, Marriage, Sexual Ethics, Virtue Theory, and Gender Issues
Contact: [email protected] 202-319-6509
Mary Rice Hasson
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, College, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Countering Gender Identity
Contact: [email protected]
Dr. Beth Lofgren
Recommended for: Parents, College Students, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Sexual Ethics, Gender, Theological Anthropology, and Bioethics
Contact: [email protected]
Mari Pablo
Recommended for: Parents, College Students, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Theology of the Body, Feminine Spirituality, Marriage, and Dating
Contact: https://www.maripablo.com/booking
Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, and College Students
Areas of Expertise: Bioethics and Medical Ethics
Contact: https://www.fathertad.com/father-tad/speaking/
Or Call Julie Kelly (215) 871-2013
Jen Settle
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Theology of the Body
Contact: [email protected]
(215) 302-8200, Ext. 700
Eve Tushnet
Recommended for: General Public and College
Areas of Expertise: Personal Story
Contact: [email protected]
Christopher West
Recommended for: Staff Members, Parents, College Students and General Public
Areas of Expertise: Marriage, Family, Sexuality, and Theology of the Body
Contact: http://corproject.com/book-a-cor-event/