Andrew Waring

(804) 622-5209
[email protected]

Andrew earned his bachelors degree in History from James Madison University and his master’s degree from Fordham University in Religious Education with a focus on Youth and Young Adult Ministry. After six years of campus ministry experience he began serving the Diocese of Richmond as the Associate Director for Campus Ministry in 2014 and in 2021 began his role as the Director of the Office for Evangelization. He often tells people that his favorite Bible verse is 2 Kings 2:23-24, but it is actually Psalm 105:4 “Rely on the mighty Lord; constantly seek his face.” One thing to know about Andrew is that he has an inordinate attachment to the New York Giants.

Carrie Poston

Program & Project Manager
(804) 622-5112
[email protected]

Carrie received her degree from VCU. Her favorite quote is “sunshine is the best medicine” by an unknown author. She began working for the Office for Evangelization in 2013. One thing you should know about Carrie is that she loves sushi and Disney World!

Katie Yankoski

Associate Director for Youth & Young Adults
(804) 622-5174
[email protected]

Katie received her undergraduate degree in Music from UVA and her master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Santa Clara University. She has a three way tie for her favorite saint: Saint Catherine of Siena, Blessed Chiara Luce Badano, and Saint John Paul II. After working as a youth minister at Saint Edward the Confessor in Richmond for six years, she began working for the Office for Evangelization in 2018. Something you should know about Katie is that she is a very music-oriented person: she loves leading praise and worship during Eucharistic Adoration, watching American Idol, and attending musical theater productions – she even played piccolo in marching band during high school and college!

Laura LaClair

Associate Director for Campus Ministry

(804) 622-5162
[email protected]

Laura received her undergraduate in a double major: Applied Mathematics and Government from William & Mary and masters in Pastoral Theology from Saint Joseph’s College. Her favorite bible verse is, “Stay sober and alert. You opponent the devil is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, solid in your faith” – 1 Peter 5:8-9a. She began working as a Campus Minister in 2016 and became an associate director in 2021. One thing to know about Laura is that she is always looking for good book recommendations. She loves to read anything from Classic Literature, to YA fiction, to biographies, to psychology – you recommend it, she’ll read it!

Dan Harms

Associate Director for Marriage, Family, & Life

(804) 622-5114
[email protected]

Dan earned a degree in Organizational Communication from Purdue University then cofounded an itinerant music and speaking ministry. That ministry brought him to serve Catholic audiences in 46 states and six countries. In 2012 he moved to Richmond and became the Youth Minister at Saint Bridget and went on to serve as their Director of Evangelization and Communication until 2023 when he began his role in the Office for Evangelization. Dan continues to speak and play music for parishes and conferences around the country and loves sharing about the role the Holy Spirit plays in our daily lives. Dan grew up in a Navy family, moving 10 times in 18 years eventually calling San Diego home. Married in 2010, Dan and his wife have four children.

Emily Pugsley

Communications & Office Support Specialist

(804) 622-5151
[email protected]

In 2022, Emily graduated from Mount St. Mary’s University with degrees in English and Conflict, Peace, and Social Justice with minors in Theology and Creative Writing. She was born and raised in the RVA area and returned after graduation to begin working with the Office of Communications and The Catholic Virginian. Her favorite saint is Saint Francis of Assisi and her favorite quote of his is “Preach the Gospel. Use words when necessary.” One thing to know about Emily is that she loves writing in all forms, from research papers, to speeches, to short stories, to poetry—she’ll give every form a try! 

Abby Taylor

Program & Marriage Preparation Coordinator

(804) 622-5152
[email protected]

Abby received her undergraduate degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Virginia Tech. She began working in the Office for Evangelization in 2022. She grew up in the Shenandoah Valley region where she spent her weekends and summers working on her family’s farm and vineyard. Her favorite bible verse is Romans 8:38-39, “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” A fun thing to know about Abby is that pigs are her favorite animal!