Diocesan Support:
The Office for Evangelization is available to answer any of your questions about ministry to persons with disabilities and connect you with other helpful entities across our diocese. We would be helpful to offer assistance or workshops for your pastor, parish staff, or hospitality team. You can reach us at [email protected] or at 804-622-5159.
Helpful Links:
National Catholic Partnership on Disability | ncpd.org
L’Arche USA | larcheusa.org
CUSA, An Apostolate for Persons with Chronic Illness and Disabilities | cusan.org
Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton | UDayton.edu
National Catholic Educational Association | ncea.org
National Catholic Office for the Deaf | ncod.org
National Conference for Catechetical Leadership | nccl.org
Americans with Disabilities Act | ada.gov
DOL – Department of Labor | dol.gov