Natural Family Planning

Why are Catholic couples called to Natural Family Planning?

Natural Family Planning (NFP) enables a couple to discern family planning in a way that remains open to life, respects the sanctity of their marriage, and honors the gift of marital intimacy.

During the wedding, spouses make promises that they enter into their marriage covenant freely (without reservation), fully (holding nothing back from their spouse), faithfully (intending to love and honor only their spouse), and fruitfully (open to the fruit of marital intimacy – new life). Through a couple’s physical intimacy, those nuptial promises are renewed and physically expressed when they give themselves to their spouse freely, fully, faithfully, and fruitfully.

With the use of barrier, chemical, or other forms of contraception, the spouses are limiting their expression of love – essentially saying to each other, “I give you myself freely, and faithfully, but I hold back my fertility, I can not give myself fully to you.” With NFP, every act of intimacy is an expression and affirmation of their nuptial promises, holding nothing back from their beloved.

What is Natural Family Planning?

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is the umbrella term to describe the various Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABM) by which a couple can scientifically chart the woman’s fertility cycle by observing simple, biological markers in order to achieve or avoid pregnancy without using contraception.

NFP works by monitoring a woman’s naturally occurring biological shifts throughout a given cycle. Attentiveness to these signs provides the couple with the best information possible about their shared fertility so that they can discern how to best achieve or postpone pregnancy.

How is NFP different from contraception?

Contraception attempts to prevent conception. In short, it attempts to remove the life-giving component of a couples’ fertility from the equation when they make love. Often this is accomplished by the use of a barrier or some combination of chemicals that suppress the woman’s natural fertility process.

NFP, on the other hand, helps couples avoid pregnancy through abstinence during the fertile times. When the couple does come together during the infertile times, there is no deliberate attempt to sterilize their love-making. They are still able to offer each other the total gift of self and achieve the “one-flesh” union God desires for them.

What are the benefits and myths of NFP?

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for an informational pamphlet with academic references and sources.

What are the recommended Methods of NFP?

Cervical Mucus Methods

Best for those on a variable sleep schedule and those who want the option to treat other women’s health issues without recourse to the pill. Relies on the observation of cervical mucus alone to determine fertility.

  • Creighton Model Fertility Care System uses standardized mucus observations for monitoring a woman’s fertility. Creighton also is the usual way to access Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology, a robust system of women’s health used to address medical issues like infertility, chronic discharges, PMS, endometriosis, polycistic ovarian syndrome, and postpartum depression in a medically effective and natural way.
  • Billings Method uses cervical mucus observation as well as sensation at the vulva to determine times of fertility for the woman.

Sympto-Thermal Methods

Best for those on a fixed sleep schedule. Relies on cervical mucus observation and daily body temperature to determine fertility.

  • Couple-to-Couple League uses observations including cervical mucus, temperature, and the position/softness of the cervix. These classes are taught by trained couples. Classes can be live with a number of trained couples in the diocese or done online.
  • Southern Star uses observations including cervical mucus and body temperatures. This method is taught by a trained instructor, and is currently available only in Charlottesville.

Sympto-Hormonal Methods

Best for those who prefer the monitor to make the observations and can afford the initial investment on supplies. Relies on cervical mucus observations and the analysis of hormonal levels in urine by use of the ClearPlan Fertility Monitor to determine fertility.

  • Marquette Model has a great online presence with the possibility of learning how to chart with virtual assistance as needed, and a breastfeeding protocol. Couples learning this model need to buy a ClearPlan Fertility Monitor and test strips monthly.