Physicians and Counselors

Searching for a Catholic physician in your area?

The Diocese of Richmond is unable to vet all counselors and physicians represented in the online databases below. Patients should determine for themselves the faithfulness and competence of each practitioner.

Catholic Medical Association
The Catholic Medical Association provides a searchable database of Catholic physicians across the United States. The CMA is a physician-led community of healthcare professionals dedicated to the ministry of health care and to the teachings of the Church. It is the largest association of its kind in the United States. The CMA serves the moral, spiritual, and professional development of its members. With a national membership of faithful, informed healthcare professionals, the CMA is uniquely positioned to foster a culture of life and to strengthen the Church. Physicians self select to be part of the CMA database, therefore the list is not a comprehensive representation of all the Catholic physicians in the diocese. 

WellCatholic is a new service building a convenient healthcare directory for people who want providers that adhere to Catholic values. All WellCatholic providers must practice in accordance with a set of promises that distinguish Catholic values in the healthcare sector. These promises were established by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Healthcare Workers and are used worldwide. Physicians self select to join the network.


MyCatholicDoctor is a directory of Catholic practitioners. The clinicians we support unequivocally follow all the Ethical and Religious Directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the ethical policy statements of the Catholic Medical Association. We are a refuge for faithful Catholic clinicians who want to practice independently and with the full voice of their Catholic faith.

CatholicPsych Institute
The CatholicPsych Institute was formed to answer the great need of today’s Catholics. Catholics need psychology that is consistent with the truth and dignity of the human person. Secular psychology does not offer that consistency; it tries to treat the person without understanding the person. That’s like shooting arrows in the dark! Catholic Psychology turns on the lights, and the CatholicPsych Institute provides resources and services that hit the mark. is committed to providing mental health care in a manner aligned with Catholic teaching. Patients should determine the faithfulness of any therapist they choose to engage.

Catholic Psychotherapy Association
The Catholic Psychotherapy Association is a professional association of psychotherapists who strive to be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
A group of counselors offering virtual/online video based counseling, was founded by Dr. Greg Popcak.



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